Based on Mary J. Blige "No More Drama"


It never comes easy,
To stand up against what is wrong,
Separation of the truth is easier,
Seeing the reality of things,
And through all of this,
Rationalization of the actions taken,
Must not only be taken, but serve as a reminder,
To the cause chosen,

No, she cried today,
Beaten, bruised and scared,
Systems are made to work,
But even wrong finds a way,
To slip through,
You are in fear, not in love,
So she said, no,
And saw the reel to reel effects,
And couldn't make sense of it,
And made a choice, which at last is hers,
Right or wrong, for once,
It was hers,

No, he cried today,
Taken, eaten and spat upon,
You have to always play your hand,
Even when it's nothing,
A clever one always has a vision,
And when the dream becomes real,
It helps the others to follow,
"Talk" and "Walk" must always have "the" in the middle,
So he said, no,
And chose to stand after the kicking put him down,
The vision became his rationalization,
And made a choice, once again,
To keep going,
Right or Wrong,
The choice is now, his,

No, they cried today,
Paraded, lied and neglected,
Among the traffic lights,
That gives out their only refuge,
With every thought of why,
They give unto them a new toy, to pacify,
They have realized that things stick because,
They make it so,
And because of this they say, no,
They're no more toys, words, drugs, etc.,
To butter up what is not rational,
On both sides, because let's face it,
They are the children we put up there,
Not to see views, but to watch bicker,
That's what TV and theatre is for,
And no matter what,
The choice is now, theirs once again,

You put up with you want to put up with,
And your focus creates your reality,
It is all up to us to see that,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 883 times
Written on 2007-02-28 at 04:40

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this is very good but has one word missing in the penultimate line. So true. Smiling at you, Tai

Saying NO, can be a very difficult thing sometimes....but there is such freedom when we stand up for what is right...wonderful truth here
~Blue xox

wonderful write!! keep up the great work!!!