The Moon and I

I have this age-old relationship
with the ancient Moon.
It also goes on endlessly
along its anguished course...

It peeps in through my window,
Casts its silvery beams,
Looks me up endearingly,
As if it loves me true...

Surrounded by thousands of stars
It pursues a solitary journey,
Just as I feel like a stranger
in the most august company.

Its fate is to wax and wane,
Under the vast awning
Just as I have ups and downs
in my life's voyage.

I have this strange relationship
With the pastel Moon...

It casts soothing luminescence,
Is obscured by the garish Sun,
The cooling effect it has on the dew,
Is stolen by the Sun...

It shines and illuminates the world,
Yet, it has craters in its heart
Just as I hide behind my smile,
The sorrows of my heart...

All its sores it hides within
and shows a shiny facade,
Just as I keep cheerful frontage
My soul hidden away...

I have this love-hate relationship,
With the dainty moon...

It goes about its daily drudge,
with a beam seemingly calm,
But deep within, like me, it hides
Thousand tumults thousand storms...

So shine and shine away my visage
Shine like the moon,
Moan away my heart and soul,
Moan with the Moon...

Get used to shimmering bright,
And hide away your wounds,
Or may be it's the wounds that shine
May be that's how shimmers the moon...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: 'Once in a Blue moon' by my friend Raja Thapar with permission.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1053 times
Written on 2007-03-02 at 05:01

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Kathy Lockhart
beauty glows around the moon like a halo and so does beauty surround you Zoya. You write from your poetic heart and leave pieces of gold across the pages of the world. This is another treasure left here on poetbay for the world to adore. bookmarked

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh. . . How I love the moon. . .This poem describes accurately what the moon is - means to me :) A perfect tribute to the moon :) *storm of applause* and *bookmarked*

this has a nice rhythm to it. I almost expected to find a rhyme within. seemed almost a strict 'form' of freeverse. that couldn't have been easy, at least, it wouldn't have been for me. I tend to spray words belligerently (but deliberately) in freeverse.

Karen Canning
and tomorrow 3 march is full moon, the moon is oh so powerful, she belongs to the female for she represents the female cycle, we can cast our entire thoughts to her and she will listen, many people do not realise they can moon bath just as they can sun bath, the moon offers nourishment to the soul

again my friend brilliant poetry you are a true master


Tsewang Dorjee9

Moon and I is beautiful poem loneliness, pain and love
you express is very gentle and touching. and takes
every reader to the moon.

this is a very gentle and sweet poem...and kind off romantic in a sense...the moon always has a way to romance you..So tell me why do you want to love anybody else if you can love the moon just like you do :-)..

great work!!

You took me to the moon and back in you poem.

betsy Firefly
I loved this one - another moon-lover! Especially the first and seventh stanzas.

ah, that moon... blending... bringing out powers in our earth and feelings so mixed in us.... a beautiful write in its tribute....

"I have this age-old relationship
with the ancient Moon.
It also goes on endlessly
along its anguished course..."

love& hugs

The moon is love with the moon who is in love with world!!!