One from the archives. At a younger time.

One word

"I seize the day with my newspaper fray,
My nights are colored, headache gray,
Daysleeper, Daysleeper",

It starts at birth,
We touch everything we can put our bodies on,
Something that will carry us for the rest of our lives,
So pay attention to the rythmn of something man-made, time,
We created time for limitations and more,
But we also love to break the rules,
So what does that leaves us?,
Another story for another time,
As with choices, comes our connections,
They make you healthy and wise,
Depending on how you use them,
Depending on how you retrieve them,
Depending on how you dismiss them,
Remember, they're levels of connections,
Passer-by, Acquaintance, Friend, Brother or Sister,
Everybody and everything can be used as an advantage,
Thus, giving us benefits, good or bad,
Just remember,
Always be prepared for the back-lash of your endeavors,
To be said simply, "no pain, no blame",

We're connected, all of us,
No matter how we classify,
No matter how we separate,
If it exist in nature, it is connected,
The trick is to get your fingers into everything,
Without showing any dirt,
That can be seen by the naked eye,
Or by the truth,

"Time spills,
Connections hold forever,
If you let them",

Greater than our rivers lie our connections,
There are so many, that we don't know or even worse,
We forget that they exist,
I guess it all goes back to time,
With its limitations,
It or we can strengthen or weaken our connections,
It is our choices,
But man-made creations, as its laws,
Can be tested, improved and yes,even broken,
Just remember, benefit from your endeavors,
The best you can,
Never fall victim,

I wrote this so long ago,
And now, I struggle with this now,
I see a vicitm of their own creations,
And blames others for what has become of them,
I just hope that one day,
There will be a difference,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 786 times
Written on 2007-03-02 at 06:27

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