losten dream

wild lamb

TO the only heart i wished to be with
TO the eyes that alwaysknow how to fake,
I LOVED YOU ,even my life was less,
TO the disguise FOX that entered my life as AN INNOCENT LAMB.

YOUR VICTIMnow learned well how to protect her land,
I LOVED YOU ,however i was blind or my fate,
I KNOW that i was just a play,
SOMETHING too innocent that your heart could not pay.

MY ISLAND was far from your dark bay,
MY LOVE was atrial to touch ice with fire,
I DID not know that i loved a vampire,
ONLY YOURSELF that you keep to flatter,face it MR LIER.

KEEP your fake smile,your deceptive eyes,with your stolen fire.
LOVE IS A PARADISE you will always be a way,
YOUR SELFISH HEART in hell will get power,
BUT always remember that my heart will always be a far island you will never stay.
MY TEARS will always be there reignite,
A STRONG CASTLE you will never pentrate,
SOMETHING you will discover too late.

Poetry by moon smile
Read 1226 times
Written on 2007-03-03 at 15:13

Tags Innocence 

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Zoya Zaidi
Yes, love can be painful when betrayed!
Welcome to the bay!
(((Hugs dear Moon Smile)))
Love, Zoya

a good piece, perhaps having the text normal though rather than all capped?