It happen to all of us one time and all

I took the wrong way

They waited, and kept their patience thick,
They just met just so recently,
And they talked on the phone for so long,
This day has come to test what all of this meant,

She's so beautifully standing there, away from the crowd,
With eye-hiding anger and yet so much anticipation,
For the arrival can never to be to soon,
But it shouldn't be so late, what is keeping him,

A hard days work?, A forgetful neglect?,
The mind wonders as the plot thickens,
But now it blends together now,
Because now, he is here, finally,

Running and rushing, he is here,
And there was a pause before "sorry",
And that was because he saw what everyone envies,
For something that beautiful waiting for him in all this chaos,
All this discomfort, is something truly to be beheld,
And in that pause, he swore, he will never keep her waiting again,

And from that he apologized,
I work too hard, and took the wrong way,
I fought through traffic, I fought through screams,
But I went through all of that to get here,
To be here at this moment,
To give you something so you can keep that is so new,
My heart, my undying heart of love,
It can be laced with gold, silver and diamonds if you will,
But as long as you cherish it, it will shine beyond jewelry,

I guess an honest apology can soothe any type of simmering anger,
And hopefully it was an unforgettable night,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 765 times
Written on 2007-03-08 at 01:55

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i loved the pull of this piece on my heart and drew me in..making me want to know more...feel is a beautiful piece brian xox

Kathy Lockhart
what a story you told here. It was rolling like a film through my mind as i was so entranced in each line. I was captivated by the storyline. Wonderfully written

and in these words love appears loud and clear .. a sweet and lovely write ... and romantic from start to goal ....

it has such a beatuiful flow so right with the message it sends

best wishes

A real tease of a love poem but you got there in the end saga!lol Well done. I enjoyed the trip through your romantic mind, smiling at you, tai