All of our tomorrows is always on our minds...
As today's never quite experienced fully.
Never quite understood,accepted,discriminated
compromised for a tomorrow yet to be conceived.


Tomorrows graceful entry yet has to beckon
in its wait lustres of today's blessings escapes
In folly of contempt held in tomorrows thought
the eternal now slips away held in race external pace.
Unfulfilled in wait for todays unaccomplished dreams.
In blame of forces in blame of games held prisioner
to our own unheeding state overlooking within be a
more graceful state.
In choices made in haste to pass our graced day
for a tomorrow yet to come as surely in truth it always
graces itself before us invitingly.
Alas in all a circle of incomplete trends dost we sow,
in the unforseen futures discriminating our plights
in harvest sowed.

Poetry by angelwings
Read 1403 times
Written on 2007-03-10 at 05:22

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i loved it angel as always
captivating as ever
and the picture is beautifull

no real need to capitilise eternal now
dost we sow?

tomorrow never arrives, though the present is ever slipping away. a good piece though you need to make yourself clearer with thought here i feel.