Give Me Your Hand

Give me your deepest morning hug
When the sun shines on our bed
Give me the strength of your love
All the words that you never said

Give me back my fantasy dreams with you
Touch me with the same soft caress of yours
Give me every moment that I shared with you
When all glumness flew off in a single whew

Give me those addictive warm smiles
the crescent of your shining rosy lips
Give me that tender look of sparkle eyes
Your moon face that drabbed the blue skies

Give me all those precious memories
fire of love that my heart always lights
Give me back the golden days of pure love

Poetry by Yummy_guy
Read 1121 times
Written on 2007-03-11 at 07:06

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Amanda K
wonderful poem, so sweeeeeet.

love ya

Language: 4
Format: 4
Mood: 4
Overall: 5