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The five senses

No computer is more sophisicated and advanced,
As the human body,

We train ourselves to do so much,
Except to see the world around us,
To seek simplicity,
To see happiness,
To see triumph,
And worse, to see humility, (humbly),
The simpleness of your smile,
Tells many stories,
Because you are standing before me,
And not a fleeting image,
I long to see tomorrow, but with no haste,
Because today is better savored slowly,

We live to hear what we want to believe,
And believe what we want to hear,
But here's a new trick,
Hear the words, hear the expression,
And from there, create an idea, not a belief,
"Don't use 7 words, when 4 will do, Rusty would say,
Words and sounds flow through the wind to challenge us,
Not to destroy,
And those who intend to (me, included) are guilty of the misuse of the gift,
And should be punished accordingly,

One of the most popular wrongs,
Is the injustice of telling people how they should feel,
This is not only an attack on freedom,
But an attack on the soul,
Another lesson, I wish i could learn,
Probably because similarities between freedom, expression and persuasion,
It is not wrong to feel your own feelings,
It is not wrong to express your feelings,
But it si wrong to persuade others to feel what you want them to feel,
That should come freely,
A lesson not yet learned, even after the bitter end,
I understand you now, I always did,
I just didn't express it, even after it was too late,

Everybody expresses smell only when they didn't like it,
Seldomly when they do,
And never when its peaceful and serene,
And yes, there is such a thing,
The questions are when was the last time you've smelled?,
Or better, when was the last time you tried?,
Just for once, don't be so quick to smell and judge,
Try to smell, consider, then understand,
Like all things lost,
The hardest and most forgotten place to seek,
Is right under your nose,

They say a kiss is like tasting,
That's probably why we never forgot our first kiss,
A taste comes in two ways, required and acquired,
Required because it's easy to understand and establish,
Acquired becuase it takes time to appreciate it, but never fully like it,
And the examples are the lengths of your arms and your soul,
Which leads me to think,
Is a love required or acquired?,
Could it be dependence, a force of nature (chemistry),
Or independence, the ability to wander (hopefully not astray),
Food for thought, I guess, Bon Appetit,

It is not wise to dwell on dreams,
And forget to live,
Harry Potter

We are just as simple as we want to be,
And just as cmplicating as we choose to be,
We're only waiting for someone to figure us out,
To understand us, and the same time,
Understand them as well,
At this point, dreams and living must be balanced,
If not, the crusade will die,
Remember, our decisions and thoughts are what makes us guilty,
But the rare things that still keeps us pure and innocent,
Are our senses,
Think about it,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 821 times
Written on 2007-03-12 at 04:03

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touched some deep parts..made me think, feel, always a breath of fresh air from you bri
blue xox

hmm... im not sure what to say about this one. its really good! i like this one alot! are a wonderful poet!...keep up the wonderful work!....