no reason....

I love without knowing how.
I love with the depths of my soul.
I love with all I am and all I have.
I love without eyes or sound.

For my love is blind and deaf.
I love with the gentleness of my heart.
I love with the only passion known to me.

I love with desire of you and me.
I love so much that we as two become one.
I love without judgement.
I love with mind,body,and soul.

I love in sickness and in health for all eternity.
For all that I am,
all that I have and all that I will ever be,
I am forever yours.

Poetry by Yummy_guy
Read 612 times
Written on 2007-03-17 at 08:13

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Amanda K
God that is so sensitive and moving. i was close to tears out of love.
loving ya , Amanda