A World Of Darkness

Imagine there was nothing but darkness
How would we know the light?
Ghosts and demons would roam empty streets
Angels would hide in the tiniest of places
Their wings curled before their faces
Shielding their faces from horrors unseen
Their prayers often said
Never answered
Never heard
Silenced by the lack of hope
Vision would not be needed
There would be nothing to see
No colors
No images for the mind to remember
Reaching out
Trying to find your way
Claws slash
Teeth gnaw at outstretched fingers
Thorns of ancient vines
Tear at pale skin
Nothing but pain and torture
Felt but never seen
Imagine there was nothing but darkness
How would we know the light?

Poetry by Rob Taylor
Read 1312 times
Written on 2007-03-20 at 18:58

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Interesting thought... almost scripture. If you don't know how bad bad is, how would you know how good good is? Definitely a worthy contemplation.

Zoya Zaidi
So much thought and contemplation has gone into this reflective piece dear Rob; It is brilliant!
((Hugs for the thought provoking vibrant piece))
Love, Zoya

Karen Canning
maybe even in total darkness we would feel the light, loved your poem


it was dark

it just woke me up

so great done
