Dedicated to the slain children of Iraq, who, along with women, form the bulk of 70,000 odd civilians, killed since the invasion or Iraq...World wide anti war demonstrations took place on Saturday the 16th of March as Iraqi invasion entered its 5th year

Ten Thousand Flowers Wilted and Scorched

Ten thousand flowers wilted and scorched,
Lie mutilated in the fields hot and stark!

Ten thousand hot and glaring suns,
Piercing the eyes dazzling the souls!

Ten thousand gallons of blood drop by drop,
Spilled and absorbed, turning yellow sand red!

Ten thousand relics of age-old art
Burnt and shredded in numerous blasts!

The thousand houses razed to ground,
Tens of thousands rendered homeless for what?

Ten thousand barrels of gun pointed
on as many heads
For as many barrels of oil instead...

Ten thousand tortured in prison cells,
Some borne on leashes like personal pets!

Ten thousand 'pyramids of human flesh'
Humiliated for few moments refreshed...

Ten thousand heartless butts of guns
Thrust in human flesh for fun...!

Ten thousand tears daily shed
Blood has turned Euphrates red

Ten thousand sent to a war to fight,
their own brothers, to thousands of miles,
For the gains of a few in might...!

What is this my ink has turned red?
My pen is pouring blood instead!!!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Image: Demonstrators holding torches to form a peace sign on city's Heroes Square in Budapest, Hungary, to protest against Iraq war on 16th March 2007, to mark the 4th anniversary of Iraqi invasion by USA

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1224 times
Written on 2007-03-20 at 22:15

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You have beautifully lent this blood
red ink your presensce.

Allowing pain to open our hearts
will let our soul touch the spirit of humanity.
And in doing so we heal. It is a strange
but beautiful phenomenon.

The photo made me gasp.

yoonoos peerbocus
the ugly face of WAR is poetically de-metaphorised and brought to the acme by the painful repetition of the highly symbolical 10000. It's a heartfelt antiwar cry .keep it up

Tsewang Dorjee9
Zoya, Really I respect your feelings and the words you expressed
is very touching,I like this lines very much.

What is this my ink has turned red?
My pen is pouring blood instead!!!

Karen Canning
this one just tears at the heart, your words say it all


Khulud Baig
Zoya, your few words are worth ten thousand actions. Simply beautiful and sentimental. Love it!

Christian Lanciai
I already read this text once, but it was a pleasure to read it again. It certainly is one of those texts you must return to and never forget, at least not as long as the problem continues. All my backing to this urgent engagement for a necessary alternative to the world's dominating madness - the arms race and war psychosis has ruined all history but more than ever since the first world war. The disease is worse than ever, and its perhaps only hope of being cured is its own self-destructiveness.

Many compliments for your moral courage and engagement,


That was simply amazing...all the things I have written pale in comparison...

Zoya Zaidi
You are so right Gopi, but one of the tasks of a poet is also to reflect reality, and truth; Reality, which is ugly; Truth which is beautiful! As the Upanishads say: ' Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram!'- 'Shiv is Truth and Truth is God!' Right!
((Hugs for the nice response))
Love, Zoya

As I read this, I gor more and more amazed!! Every little word is so true. I dont like whats going on in Iraq at all. It was supposed to be a liberation, but instead a new "dictator" gained power. Makes me wondering why the US gouverment cant leave Iraq to the Iraqian people..
A great tribute you have written!!!



And when the occupying forces pull out ten thousand more will join their bretheren at the hands of their own blood lines in civil war, there are no easy answers and even less solutions to suit all partys involed in this, as always its the innocents that suffer during and after, a wonderful dedication Zoya.

Ground reality is a conspiracy to poetic beaty. no matter how a poet beautifies the world with words and images, the world is just naked in fornt of you. I also tried to explore this paradox in my recent poem "An Encounter". I dont know why this happens. Poet stands for justice . You made me recall Amrita Pritam's "Consipiracy of Silence". A poet's cry for justice. Thx Zoya.

Ground reality is a conspiracy to poetic beaty. no matter how a poet beautifies the world with words and images, the world is just naked in fornt of you.

i remember when this war started, i said to friends it would go on for a long time. sadly i think there will be a lot more to come with the aches and pains of this war. for all the beauty we can hold in our hearts and hands we sure are a violent species.

Thank you ten thousand times, Zoya, for writing this!

you are, as always, so right in what you are writing, my sister! unfortunately, this is only one of the ten thousand wars happening every day on the earth, only one of the millions of attrocities that bring shame to our name as "human race"...for instead of evolving and gaining the wisdom to enlight our existence, we daily open wounds that never heal...
Lilly xxx

and ten thousand tears are rolling down my cheeks now......
You are a true talent my friend, describing the terror in the world and touching the souls of everyone who reads.....

Rob Taylor
I loved it my are so talented