Written a while ago (the day the war started) but in response to Zoya's latest fantastic piece

Remember the Fallen

Hope has blossomed at last into a gorgeous rose
A deep blushing crimson, it is a satisfying elixir
But some blood comrades have fallen
Shot down by the mortars of defeat
Their paths and mine are now parallel, not unified
It is a treacherous pathway they must now tread
Fraught with disillusionment and despair
It will make them into strong people
I am sad since we cannot be better brother
Cannot share the weight of our collective burden
Cannot share sadness and collective victory
So now I sit and write in a red frame of thought
Eyes, heart, blood, subdued love
All contrast in a quiet storm
Like a red rose weeping morning dew.

Poetry by Dominic
Read 1481 times
Written on 2007-03-21 at 21:51

Tags War  Death 

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Not enough people acknowledge the soldiers...any soldier...in the military, on the streets even simply the soldiers who take on daily struggles such as single parents.

Your lyrics are great. You used "contrasting" so perfectly...

I bookmarked this just to let you know. =D

I share the sentiments. I relate them to the soldiers of the 2 world wars....I don't pretend to know the answers to all this. It's a problem that often occupies my mind, (what's left of it,) and I think that if we can rid the world of monsters like Hitler and Saddam, we must do it the only way we know how...........(cowering.)