Typical question
Let's seal the deal
Sing a song, take a pitch,
Doesn't matter with such or even, with which,
All that matter is and should be, the moment,
The touch or even the timing, oh yes, the skill,
Pounce comes first and romance much later,
Or any way around, it seems,
Because it all starts with feeling,
The more you know the less you feel,
And the more you feel, the more you want,
I think we couldn't look for each other, fast enough,
We couldn't get together, long enough,
But all that seems to wither,
With the ideas that seem to weather, all restraints,
And that's all there is, apparently, ball and chains,
Today, love has found you,
And this time you have nothing to lose,
Just, what you say, your single license,
The greatest thing you'll ever learn,
Is just to love and to be loved in return,
A senseless boogie with ideal returns,
But you want to know is how you feel,
About you, about me, hopefully,
But being cynical and critical always gets in the way,
With what we want to know,
Where are the symbols, where are the leads?,
All in a game that gets more suspicious and more ignorant,
And everyone wants to be next false prophet,
But back on the operating table, and we should find,
How far this can go, how long can we make it last,
Reality is what need, for the deal is what we want,
As lovely as a rose, and as ruthless as an application,
All we do is interview, research and interview,
But at least we have fun with it, it seems,
You start a fire without a spark,
And you can't build sunshine without rain,
But I do know this,
It's all about a matter of trust, not in someone else,
But in you, of course,
Seeking this and seeking that are all cop-outs,
For not finding you first,
And trying to find you in someone or something else,
Don't leave them standing there,
Just lead them with honest words,
That all they want, or is it we?,
But in all of this,
Joss really has it right,
Hey, tell me how you feel,
And if the feelings real,
Tell me what's the deal,
Hey, tell me how you feel,
And if the feeling's real,
Then let's seal the deal,
The dancer moves without a trace,
Poetry by Saga
Read 828 times
Written on 2007-03-22 at 08:01
Tags Love 

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