Holi is the festival of colours, and marks the beginning of spring and the harvesting season. People come out and play with colours: sprinkle coloured water and smear colour on each other's faces. 'Colouring me' has a deeper connotation...

Colour Me

Colour me!
Colour me red with your passion
Let our blood mingle together
Flow through our veins as one...

Colour me tender with your love
Let your sapphire fragrance
fill my soul, to the core...

Colour me wet with your tears
Let your sorrow be as mine
Enrich me with your pain, my love...

Colour me blue with your anguish
Lend poignancy to my heart,
Enthrall me with the joy of sharing yours...

Colour me joyous with your song
Fill my heart with melody
Elate me with your symphony...

Colour me fast, colour true,
Colour me strong in all your hues!
Colour me, now, my love,

Before you leave me and go...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Inspired by Rabindranath Tagore

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1249 times
Written on 2007-03-25 at 19:43

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Lovely poem, Zoya.
You fill the page with so many emotions and eperiences!

Oh my God

I think so you are angry with me

I forgot completely about wishing HAppy Holi

I know it's too late but Happy holi

And this was nice poem here d:

wow..nice use of words..!

poetic rays, prism, reflection, colours, life. colouring the uncolourables. life really needs a virtuoso for a better canvas. Tagore inspired me to write these words.

You color me joyously with your inspirations...love every color divinely of your truths.

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
This is an ageless masterpiece dear Zoya!!!*stom of applause*and*bookmarked*Wow Zoya!A great poem indeed. . .

Dan Cederholm

This poem could be to the on love

a fantastic imagination with so

many pictures . . . I give you

my rainbow and a big *HUG*

Allt the best to you Zoya, Dan


Colourful, intense, passionate: in one word, so very Zoya!
This is, in my opinion, one of your very best love poems.

Rob Graber
Sharing the blue as well as the red... great write, Zoya!

This Zoya is such a beautiful love poem telling of the richness in love ... and the sadness it can bring ... when parting is a part of it all..

a wonderful and beautiful poem dear Zoya