The pictures are from free gnutella

The Sparrow and the Hawk


Once in time there was a little Sparrow
living his life, flying and picking corns
from the early morning to the late evening
a harmful little Sparrow so cute and nice

In the this story I must tell that there is
so much pain and suffering I have to tell
The Hawk needs food to survive
that's the law in nature I have to describe

One perfect sunny day the Sparrow were
picking corns and was on his way
back to his nest when the bird of pray
dive from the sky and end his day

That was the story of  natures balance
the Sparrow and the Hawk
One dead gives another life and it's a
long and winding road to strive and survive

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 714 times
Written on 2007-03-25 at 09:26

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