This is what the song from Pink Floyd is about . .
Dark side of the moon

Dark side of the moon

Dark side of the moon
exploring the nature
the human experience  
the time when we first came to this place

time is running and stands never still

we want this and we want that
why cant I have that when so
many others have it

when we fight for something that
we believe or will believe is truth
or we only do it in anger

when we travel to another country
or just to another town

mental illness
when we hit the ground and cant
find the way back by ourselves

and death
the end of the time and travelling
when our mortal bodies gives up

But hey there, today is today
tomorrow is another day . . .

Words by Dan Cederholm
Read 877 times
Written on 2007-03-25 at 18:21

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this is a great poem very true and written sensibly

Karen Canning
this one is very deep, the ending made me think, and yes tomorrow is another day, when we wake yesterday is gone
