No, this is not a poem, yes this is pr for my new on-line exhibition with work that I have done since 2000 and yes, I don't write so much these days, nor read.

New exhibition

I have a new exhibition at

Words by Bob
Read 731 times
Written on 2007-03-25 at 18:31

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Love every hue that in healing bestows clarity of all colors defined.long waited to view...thank you.
2007-03-26 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
i've enjoyed perusing through your online exhibition you had a link to on your page... it's a new one then? i will check it out... thanks for directing me to your work... it's very beautiful, and a pleasure to look at... :f xx

A typical cranky poetic artist you are bob!lol I will check your exhib out sometime. perhaps if you read some cheerful poetry here, it may help your miserableness? Or is that our right after the big 50? A genuine question so don't bite my head off because I am a low down kicker offer!lol Smiling at you, Tai

I have posted some of my paintings and drawings here, but they are not very well visited exhibitions.

Zoya Zaidi
Daer Ben , I went to the Andra Sidan website but could not find your paintings there.
By the way this one up here is very good!
How about putting up an exhibition here on Pb, in the exhibition section?
Love, Zoya