Spring always brings the romantic out in me...!

Be my Silver Moon in Autumn

Be my pleasant breeze in summer,
Cool my brow.
Be my fluffy quilt in winter,
Warm my heart.
Be my silver moon in autumn,
Enrich my soul.
Be my fragrant flower in spring,
Recreate me whole.

Be my seasons of the year,
My life's desire.
Fill my seasons with your love,
Light my fire...

And I'll be your summer rain
Drench you in love.
I'll be your soft snowdrop,
Melt with your touch.
I'll be your moonbeam,
Glow in your night.
I'll be your peach blossom
Bloom in your love.

I'll be your summer, winter
Autumn and spring,
My love...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1270 times
Written on 2007-03-31 at 19:37

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I don't know what to say
What I only know you are an amazing writer

I loved this poem ^^

Where from do you get such beautiful words

Zoya I'm jealous

Nice write

Oh forgot to wish you APRil FOol and by the way how is it for
Did you succeed in fooling anyone or not.

And Finally Happy Easter ^^

You add a touch of sensuality to seasons...love it

oh, Zoya, you are more than a master of words, you are a master of thoughts and feelings...this is an absolute beauty! bless the moment when I saw its title in your list!
Lilly xxx

wonderful and deserve to
bookmark it

Pamela A Lamppa
Absolutely beautiful. Who would not want to be the breeze of summer that cools the brow in the labyrinth of love. Wonderful penning. A pleasure to have read this today. ~Pamela

absolutely divine!...*bookmarked and in my faves, sweet sister!
Lilly xxx

Kathy Lockhart
Zoya, this is so uplifting. It is full of happiness unwrapped and given in love. What a wonderful gift. bookmarked