"Dear God"

All hope are hidden
somewhere I don't know
all my smiles are gone,
somewhere I just can't find

all hope are hidden
somewhere I don't know
I fear for loneliness
it can get me killed

my wings are broken
my tears are my only shelter
where can I find
a rope to climb up

all hope are hidden
somewhere I don't know
my smiles are dried
my fate is not faked

the way at home
I just can't find
give me a map
grant me your support

the angels can flies
I know that too
but my wings are broken
may I call for your help
my "Dear God"?

Poetry by Miro
Read 1275 times
Written on 2007-03-28 at 08:59

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Larz Gustafsson
There is a map.
It's called the Bible.

This was a very well written piece
nice d:

Except for a few grammer mistakes its a good poem. It seems when we feel lonely and think that we are alone we really arent. We just don't notice the people there... Hope that made some sence!!!
We can always find comfort in God.

Hi Miro, yes hope can be hidden but it is still there for us all, we just have to look for it's sign. A couple of grammar errors but otherwise a very thought provoking poem. To be alone is not the sadness, it is to be lonely when you are that is. We must learn to live with ourselves and then who we need is attracted straight to us. The way home, is to keep moving with chin up. Smiling at you, Tai

yoonoos peerbocus
the dumb unknown always answer the AMEN in our prayer. the quiet of mind is found inside when we think no evil.

Amanda K
this is a sincere call that i do respect. with God we can find comfort when all the world seems against us.

thanks 4 sharing it, i needed to hear that.

best wishes,