On my lips

Fingers tracing, tickling, teasing,
Hot breath exploring soft blushing skin,
Urgent usherings through new folds uncovered
by subtle moans and seductive moves.
Tasting love,
testing Love,
discovering... GASPS!
Heartbeat, hot breath, quivering lips,
Glistening baubles of feminine mystique,
Trembling 'neath touches of male desire,
Presure in rhythm brings writhing and giggling,
Dividing the covers with sweet scents of love.
Nibbling with lips and teasing with tongue,
That blow the world and it's woes far away

Poetry by Yummy_guy
Read 968 times
Written on 2007-03-28 at 10:36

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Amanda K
This is such a romantic and moving poem.

love ya, Amanda

Believe you are missing a "s" in pressure. Aside from that, this was tastefully done, very sensual yet hot. Kudos!


Well my woes have just gone flying out the window Yummy Guy!!lol and I feel very hungry indeed now so watch it!lol Wickedly alluring title. Smiling at you, Tai