You stare at me with this look on your face
And I can't help but wonder what it is that you see...
You've touched something so deep down inside
And I feel as if you've set my soul free.

I see intensity and passion when I look into your eyes
And kissing your sweet lips forces me to smile.
I feel warmth and comfort when you hold me in your arms,
And I know that being with you will make my life worthwhile.

Late at night as you lay there sleeping so peacefully,
I wonder how I managed to find something so good.
I run my fingers gently across the back of your neck
And suddenly everything in life seems to be understood.

You make me feel like I'm the centre of your world
And those little butterflies in my stomach are flying like they've never flown before.
You make me feel things I casn't even begin to describe
And these feelings are ones I know I can't ignore.

You have my word that I'll always be right here,
No matter what you need to say or do.
My heart now lies in your hands,
And my soul you set free now belongs to you.

Poetry by Yummy_guy
Read 949 times
Written on 2007-03-31 at 09:17

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Amanda K
this poem does express in such a beautiful way how is precious the one you love and i love you 4 it.

warm hugz, Amanda