I just read a poem 'Drowning' by Sally999...this is to pull her out of the deep sea...

The Strength Within

When in trouble, you feel
You are drowning in deep sea
And lying on the silent seabed
Like a lobster in its shell
Coiled and hidden within,
Feeling you've quite drowned,
And think, who will come
to help me out...?

Do not depend on any one
to come to your rescue!
Look for the strength within
yourself, to pull you out
of the ocean bed.
Resurface and from there
take a flight high into the sky
and soar over the firmament,
Like a curlew in the sky!!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1115 times
Written on 2007-04-06 at 05:04

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Exactly my opinion.
Thanks for a very good poem Zoya. :)

betsy Firefly
Encouraging words, Zoya. It's good to think of others. blessings usually follow.


It is nice to have friends that can inspire and reasure another, that not all is lost...that there is light at the end of the tunnel...nicely done...JC

Thank you so much for this Zoya!!! I loved it, its great!
I always look to myself first, I think of myself as a self starting person, but like I said I wrote that when I was 13 and was going through the "Nobody cares..." thing...
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! Great write

Inspired courage....love it...

Nicely Written..

Love the Positive message..


yoonoos peerbocus
cosmic strength is the real solution-

Tsewang Dorjee9
Hello Zoya, Your poem The Strength Within, I like this lines
Look for the strength within
yourself, to pull you out
of the ocean bed.

Your poems Is "Excellent and Exclusive"

You are the Star of poetbay without your poems Poetbay is
like a spring season without flowers.

Love and regards
Tsewang Dorjee

i loved yr words

there is so much truth in every word you write, dear sister! yes, one must find his/her inner strength to get over life's tests...there is no force, greater than faith in God and in ourselves, that can help us...
Lilly xxx