Inspired by Coolaron's poem 'Passive Acceptance'... just my mad!

Blind, Deaf and Dumb...

I think every one should be blind,
So that he or she,
Makes an impression about
the person they first meet,
not by the colour of
his eyes or skin,
But by his voice,
his personality within...

I think everyone should be deaf,
So that he or she,
Does not judge the
person they meet,
by his accent, and
the language he speaks!
But, by the thought content
of his heart and soul instead...

I think everyone should be dumb,
So that he or she,
Does not hurt anyone
by his stinging tongue...

But, what would the world be like,
Full of blind, deaf and dumb?
I think, it might be
Much more peaceful
a place to live in
than it is now!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Image: Sukay at the Brazilian Carnival.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1126 times
Written on 2007-04-16 at 19:44

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You took my exact feelings and emotions, and wrote a amazing poem! simply lovely.

Very nice poem. I like it a lot. It has got a great message to it.
Everything ends up just fine in the end. Thnx.

Zoya Zaidi
Such wise words dear Sarvesh, those of a Sage in fact!
I am so happy, my poem, written on whim, on the spur of the moment, has invoked such a varied response amongst my friends... lol!
These are very wise words indeed, my dear friend!
((Hugs for the lovely response!)))
Love, Zoya

Zoya Zaidi
Such a lovely poem dear Mark, I absolutely love it!
Thanks a pile for sharing it here!
My own pales in front of it!
Love, Zoya

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautifully thought and beautifully written....
I most heartily agree with you


very nice poem.

Ha, a lot of us are already dumb LOL..
Powerful Write

nice work.
but then arent we all blind...seening and will fully decepting things.......deaf ...coz we can hear the mayhem of this world bt not our voice within.....and dumb....tormented and smothered by somethings left unsaid.....
what do you say?:)

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
A child will trust, because he has not yet learned to distrust - as we grow, we lose that innocence - we are marked by events and attitudes around us - intolerance is in the most unlikely places - if we could just retain that part of us, yes, I do think we could live in peace - the world needs to love, not hate - and take away each sense - so that when returned - they are fresh and unsullied.

Wise words dear friend

Elle x

M Heathcote
each phase of intangible air-----sorry

beauty and love is in your soul, ((zoya))

M Heathcote
Curiously I once heard music
where there was none!
this I perceived when
two deaf and dumb-
lovers were seen caught-up
in an all embracing kiss;
after which they spoke in sign...
by so much implicit recollection, that
I myself; I understood
each phase of intangible air
each semaphore...
each nuance of elicit breath...
and whilst there!
I saw beauty-
prelude in an atmospheric light!
oh and I'm so sure the aurora-borealis
invoked my hearts delight!
to see that the music of ones
love is deaf and dumb
but never is it blind
to the heat of its sum!

This an old one of my own, Zoya
~mark~ x