...love lost...the feeling that follows...

...When Love's A Pain...

When love is a pain
And every ounce of possible happiness
Constantly finds its way out
Just as it found its way in,
When you are forced to look at life with disdain
And possible moments of bliss
Often find their path away
As a mole would crawl in clay,
When things begin to take a certain turn
It's the painful love and disdainful life
That keep ringing their annoying bell,
A wake up call that's simply there to tell
The same mundane story
About moments of glory that never really were
Since what would have been deemed beautiful
Turned out to be another of life's pipe dreams

When hearts begin to break
Because of an in-deep looming ache
Continuously tearing apart that which is within
Making all good thoughts regrettable
Then that's the dreaded moment of remorse
When all that was seems never to have been...
Self pity, tearing that which is called heart,

When that which was laboured for
Becomes a distant thought that never would be
And valuable time invested gone
In the name of solving a crisis,
Salvaging a situation or an age old relation,
When that which was love
Must be abandoned for the sake of another
Perhaps a directive from the deity above,
When the moments that counted no longer are,
The deeds that sense made no longer much mean

When beautiful words are sorrowfully uttered
And what is left of the heart shamefully spluttered
Across the ever desirable face of love n romance,
Then that's the moment you know you can no longer dance
To the melody of affectionate, passionate feelings
And no longer be a partaker in love-related dealings,
That's the trice of disheartening disclosure
When all hell unveils its ire,
When love is lost...


Poetry by kip
Read 1112 times
Written on 2007-04-07 at 17:54

Tags Heartbreak 

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Love Knight-Mr. Real-
a strong heart will survive in its weakness.. and a weak heart can only get stronger... but i really love this piece..

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
i liked this because it was very descriptive and so very realistic... the mind riot it is to lose in love is a strong one... i recognized every step explained here... so well done on that... lots of good lines in this poem... i particularly liked these:

Often find their path away
As a mole would crawl in clay,

The same mundane story
About moments of glory that never really were

When beautiful words are sorrowfully uttered
And what is left of the heart shamefully spluttered

a good read... thanks :) :f xx