To (Amanda K)

Why I Love You

I've never seen you
Or touched your skin
I've never felt your lips
Or held you tight
But I know I love you

Not because of the way you look
Or because of that sexy voice
Not because of the things you say
But because of whom you are

When we meet I will kiss you
And hold you all night

I love everything about you
Because it's you

Poetry by Yummy_guy
Read 999 times
Written on 2007-04-09 at 12:29

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Another beautiful piece


Continue loving my friend like that
Always ^^

Amanda K

Those words were going to make cry but out of joy and happiness not sadness.

hugs and kisses

A beautiful poem for a beautiful lady Yummy-guy, she is a very lucky woman indeed, It is strange how we can love someone we haven't met in person, proves to me, the soul only needs eyes to love.

Smiling at you,
