Waiting For The Kiss

I've never had the chance
To kiss your beautiful lips
To hold you tight all day
To run my fingers through your hair
Or talk to you till the sun comes up

My mind says this won't be so
But my heart knows different
Someday I will do these wonderful things
And never let you go

No matter how long it takes
No matter how many tears it makes
I will see you
Kiss you
And hold you
Until the end of time

Poetry by Yummy_guy
Read 1161 times
Written on 2007-04-09 at 12:58

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That made me smile

i can see your love for my friend is shining '

Amanda this guy really loves you
Never let him go

And never let any beautiful gal take him away from you

Amanda K
This is such a beautiful text with its simplicity and love.

lots of love & kisses