Hipp Hurray for Nepenthes today . . .


Hipp Hurray for Nepenthes today
a big SALUTE on poetbay . . .
bringing out the stairway

and we are just . . .
two lost souls swimming in a
FISHBOWL . . . so welcome
WELCOME to the machine . . .

56 singing . . . When I am 64
knock knock knocking . . .
on the BAR door

Another brick in the wall
hrrmmmm number 64
so cheers for him today

come on lets party
here on the bay
as a family we stay

Year after year
creating and celebrating
our friend Nepenthes

and we are waiting
for 57, knocking
on heavens door

Oh no . . .
many years left you have
and we look forward to
rise our champagne glasses

and scream out . . .

for Nepenthes  today
its party on poetbay! ;)


Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 720 times
Written on 2007-04-11 at 00:23

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great text, great pic!

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
:) this is so cheery... i have a smile on my face... how nice for nepenthes... yes, best wishes on this day... :) *hugs* xx