Spring brings life to the world- it always fills us with hope- the Pear blossoms are in full bloom, I watch them and think:

Pear Blossoms-Four seasons

A pear tree is barren, bent and gaunt,
Ugly, twisted, shivering cold in winter.

The buds begin to sprout on its boughs,
In Spring it is full of promise.

Summer sees it in full bloom,
Laden with pink fragrant blossoms.

Soon the tree is heavy and drooping
Ripe with fruits succulent in Autumn.

Every season has its delight,
Every period has its purpose.
You can't judge a person, or a tree
Only by one season ...

The essence of who they are, and
the pleasure, the joys, the sorrows
and the loves of their lives,
can only be measured at the end,
when all the seasons are over...

If we give up when it is winter,
We will miss the promise of spring,
The beauty and warmth of summer,
Fulfillment and enrichment of autumn...

So, let us live to see all seasons,
Live, to savour all the flavours:
All joys, all sorrows, anguish and
Turbulences; all agony, ecstasy
and fulfillment of existence...

Enjoy and rejoice each day, as if it would
Never come back again, because it's true:
Today, when it's gone, it's gone forever...

Tomorrow is another day!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyrigh ©: Zoya Zaidi

Inspired by email forward

Photo: 'Flowering in Summer- Aligarh University' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1048 times
Written on 2007-04-13 at 08:12

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i love this one...bookmarked :)

I love the way you have compared our lives to Nature's seasons, and the reminder that we cannot judge people, (or trees,) by just one season. A lovely gentle read, and a wonderfully clever poem as always, love, Normalil.

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
As always so very well written. A wonderfully imaginative way to deliver a very poignant message.

betsy Firefly
A lovely, meaningful poem that goes along with "Carpe Diem!"

Rob Graber
As one who grows a few pears in his yard, I enjoy this very much; good lesson, too!

...as ususal i am moved by the power in your poetry
the reality of words put together to make sense
relating piece by piece to what life really is
or to the things that make life what it is...

...you are blessed of creativity my dear Zoya...

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This is a wonderful poem - especially like the lines

You can't judge a person, or a tree
Only by one season...

Such true words

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
what an absolutely fabulous poem Zoya and in your very gentle style well done i love the scent of pear blossoms too rgds mike

indeed, a day gone stays gone...we probably would make a better world around ourselves if we cherished every day properly...wonderful poem, dear Zoya!
Lilly xxx

Kathy Lockhart
beautiful uplifting inspiring poetry flows from you pen dear Zoya. bookmarked