Missing your thoughts
Missing your thoughtsThe whisper of love
Came to my soul again
But I'm not sure of your heart
As I know you
And this
What do you want
The most
My Dear
Perhaps you don't have
Whole my heart yet
But it doesn't mean
That you can't take me tonight
I'm suspicious still
A bit
But it doesn't mean
That I don't love you
Because I do
Yes I do
It's just that
I'm still unsure
This what you hide inside
I'm still afraid that
You and I it's just a dream
Which can't exist in reality
By the way
You make my days so full of life
You make my heart so full of smiles
I'm so glad to find you
How I wish to be sure
That we can survive the time
All this time
When we are not together,
Do you think of me still
Even when I'm silent
Even when you are silent,
When we don't see
We don't touch each other,
When we don't see our thoughts,
When we do so many things around
And we don't know anything about this?
I need your words as an air
Please come and say
That you love me
And you care
I don't like it that
When I'm silent
You are like this too
At this time I'm afraid
Our love is not growing
At all
At this time
We can stay strangers again
You and I can disappear
I don't want this
I feel good with you
I feel as a part of your life
As a part of you
But these whiles
When I'm not sure
Annoying me a bit
But I can't do anything
Where are you?
My love?
And why so little time
You can spend with me,
Why you don't want
To share your soul freely
You don't need
You don't feel you have to, perhaps
But I miss your words
I try to live normally
And enjoy other things
But I miss your thoughts
And I'm afraid of this love
I don't want to lose
Something so special
So good
I get from life again,
So please don't let me think
This way
Come and say
That you live
That you think
And you are with me still
In this dream
Poetry by anna3
Read 665 times
Written on 2005-11-15 at 20:56
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