Based on a song by "the Verve" . To the workers of the shady nights.

The drugs don't work

There is a rumor that "you can never leave",
The money is too much to hold,
Too much to buy,
And far too much to lose,
And its the loss that brings out the numbness of all of us,

"All this talk of getting old, it's getting me down my love",

How much do you give to pay?,
How much do you give to give?,
Amongst yourself, amongst others,
We live in judgmental times,
Even though some of us have no reason to be as such,
And as we think it shows us strength, yet,
It shows our weakness, as forgiving souls,

"But if you want a show, then just let me know and I'll sing in your ear again",

In this place, never see the sun shine,
Discreet is common practice,
A move, a gesture and a dance,
Of what they have, what they will have, and what they may never have again,
Everything has toll, even a smile,
But a smile will never cost as much,
As the payment put upon these grounds,
But yet we can conceal anything,
Even our numbness,

"If you leave my life, I'm better off dead",

We're all getting there, even the dance,
And we all know it,
But yet, here we are trying to make sense,
Trying to find some reason,
Why these things don't work anymore,
Maybe the song is finally over,

"Now the drugs don't work, they just make you worse and I'll know I'll see your face again",

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 955 times
Written on 2007-04-18 at 02:37

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yoonoos peerbocus
excellent work --keep it up