This is how I would like to live- but only if...

But, only if...

"To see the world in a grain of sand
And Heaven in wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an Hour..."
William Blake

To light a candle in the wind,
And set fire to water...

Burn with inner fire in winter,
And cool your brow in summer

Melt like a candle with your touch,
And be like a rock in adversity

See the angel in the soul
Of a criminal of extremity

Breathe life into a dying soul,
And kill an enemy with a look

Light up the lives of those in misery,
And bring solace to the anguished

Laugh like a child with an honest smile,
And cry over other's loss

Feel your pain like mine from the core,
And hide my own deep within

See an Ocean in a drop,
An eternity in vast Sea

Drench you in the rain of my love,
And smile in a desert lonely

And maybe, get carried away
to Heaven, in a chariot of fire...

This is how; I would like to live,
But, only if...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: 'The Silver Lining' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Note: Elijah, The Hebrew prophet of Jezebel, who maintained the worship of Jenovah against that of Baal and other pagan gods; legend has it that he was miraculously fed by ravens, raised a widow's son from the dead, and was carried to Heaven in a chariot of fire.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1134 times
Written on 2007-04-19 at 04:05

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Dan Cederholm

What a MASTERPIECE dear Zoya
I have no words for a comment
this one is to good . . .

All the best to you, Dan


Wow Zoya ^^
YOu always write beautiful poems

That's what I love about you most

You are a woman , even if you had an ugly face a man would loved you blindly coz You have a beautiful heart d:

kudos to you

I'm going to bookmark this piece

wow! what a poem! great. full of inspiring thoughts.
Great work

Kshiti Dubey
the emotions and mixed feelings expressed here are wonderful.

Kshiti Dubey
the emotions and mixed feelings expressed here are wonderful.

Wonderful work, in the actions and the poetry Zoya, if only...

I love love, it just doesn't seem to love me.


wonderful write but yours always were and they still.. this men sighhhhhhhhhs

Tsewang Dorjee9
Hello Zoya

But, only If...
Because you expressed word love, care and emotion,
and ready to accept any trouble with smiles.

Drench you in the rain of my love,
And smile in a desert lonely

Hope to see your poetry book soon.

With regards
Tsewang Dorjee

Rob Graber
What a great write here, Zoya!

A greatly inspiring text, Zoya!

:) I love your take on philosophy and life.
All I want from life right now is the ability to smile always.


lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
So beautifully rythmical and such a clever text I especially book mark this poem for the profound vision of your words well done regards Mike

Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
From the opening image and the Blake to the beautiful poetry and philosophy within ... transcendent moments. Thank you.

sometimes words cant explain , nice poem

Very nice poem.

i found a whole philosophy of love in those last few word, "but only if..."...Zoya dear, this is more than wonderful!...
Lilly xxx

Kathy Lockhart
magnificiently beautiful Zoya!