Based on the Metallica song. This is for you Virginia Tech!!!!

The memory remains

He was the killer who raided your home,
He was the one who carried his courage in bullets,
And he was the one who took,
But can never take who you are,
Who they were,
And what you will be,
The future, the pride,
The Hokies, forever,

You are heroes,
Each and every last one of you,
As you held doors closed,
Shielded others,
Help escape out of harm's way,

It is your duty and responsibility,
To show us all what pride, diginity and perserverence is,
I know I ask much of you at such a sad and recent time,
But I assure you,
You are not alone,
You will never be alone,

The memory remains, true,
And so are the ones that really matter,
The spirit of the lost strengthens the heart of this school,
The pride of the survivors will continue to breathe life in this school,
And now, the world will now know the power of "Hokie" pride,

And as for manifesto,
The only thing that breaks the heart,
Is that one, we finally realized the pain and lonliness,
And two, he will be forgotten,
Through every VT chant, I assure you,

Try to get some sleep tonight VT,
We will watch over you, always,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 715 times
Written on 2007-04-21 at 03:49

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Kathy Lockhart
a beautiful poetic letter of support and encouragement to all VT friends, students, faculty, and loved ones. I say Amen to your words.