The Dragon

Burning fire on wings . . .
over the mountain
and so far away
the great gig in the sky
mirroring in the sea
the Dragon flies free

Living his life alone far away
on a mountain down by the bay
free in mind and big in spirit
time will tell how much
the Dragon have to pay
to live just for one more day

The years past by
and hard time is coming
the Dragon is old
and the end is near
he is dwelling in his cave
he knows this is the last year

When the winter past by
and deep in the cave
a Dragon lies dead
and in his eyes . . .
there are diamond tears
the Dragon died without fear


Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1525 times
Written on 2007-04-25 at 00:37

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Ever since I was a child I have always had a soft spot for dragons hence I really enjoyed this poem.

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

Amy Buchanan
Wonderful words! I can just imagine this dragon. My brother likes dragons, although he likes the medieval kind not the Chinese kind. I like them too but not as much as my brother does. Thank you for sharing this poem!

Language: 5
Format: 4
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

This had special sentiment for me, as my late husband was a dragon in the chinese horoscope Dan but don't you know the dragon never dies? he just becomes invisible. I know this for sure because my husband took me to King Authors hometown of Tintagel near where I live, several years ago and showed me the place the dragon sleeps at night. Atop the thatched roof of the local post office, would you believe? I did and still do, you could see his impression all along the roof. Thanks for the memories and a lovely roaming poem, smiling at you, Tai

Language: 4
Format: 4
Mood: 5
Overall: 4

Kathy Lockhart
my first words out of my mouth were....
Wow what a beautiful poem.
And it is. I saw pictures, I felt emotions, I was involved with this dragon. love it!

a dragon is more than a mystical creature, it is a symbol of so many things in this world...and those diamond tears can mean a lot...tears are soft, diamonds are hard...what an interesting mixture...overall? loved it and bookmarked it!
Lilly xxx

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautiful poem Dan, a dragon has such wonderful mystical qualities in writing

Elle x

Rob Graber
I like the spirit of this, and lines 5 & 6...