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Cravings of a Dying heart...

For some days now
I have this wild intense desire
To be in far off places
of untamed natural beauty,
of vast mountain spaces,
in the wildest of places
With lakes in the high-land,
pink nimbus clouds,
kissed by the morning dew,
hanging over the sky
of aquamarine-blue...

With flower on the hills
covering the lush green valleys,
Birds of paradise
chirping songs at sunrise,
Fresh fragrant morning air,
filling my lungs ere despaired
of having long lost my youth
In toil and useless cares
for mundane and in pain...

Like a picture in a book,
Or a page of reminiscence
In far away childhood;
Like a pain in the heart
So tender and so full
Of love of life,
Yearning and beguile,
Of hope and desire
With that glowing inner fire,
Which burns deep inside the soul

That now but weeps
For the days gone by,
For those lost,
By and by...

Does in mean I am dying?
Or there still is a fire
In my smouldering heart...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Image: Death Valley, California National Park

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1188 times
Written on 2007-05-05 at 15:26

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John Ashleigh
That relates to me. Every single word.

Christian Lanciai
Beautiful, just beautiful.

No .Still fire.

I wouldn't mind joining you going there, sounds like a perfect place to be. And you are much too young to die.