You can't miss it, it's everywhere...Love, is in the air! To all my friends in love:

Lover's Bay

I was taking a stroll today
On my beloved Poetbay:

I saw a starfish advance at leisure
Toward its mate blushing with pleasure...

In a seashell lay two big pearls
One a lady, the other her Earl...

Flying overhead, called out a curlew
To his companion who hid in the mildew

Two palms whispered joining their heads
In anticipation of summer ahead...

Oh, I exclaimed it is so gay
Our Bay these days is lover's quay

This summer do take a holiday,
Come, fall in love on Poetbay!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Image: 'Krishna protecting Radha from rain'- Indian Miniature pianting, Kangra School.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1073 times
Written on 2007-05-10 at 20:03

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I,m already in love...with poetbay!

Great work!

Love is in the air its true as we can see on this on this little bay of ours, this is a wonderful poem Zoya and a tribute to that love.

my sweet sister, who better to issue such a wonderful sample of poetic art than your loving heart? beauty springs from each word that you pen, and tenderness veils your creation! so beautiful is this word-painting of the bay of yours!!!
Lilly xxx

Zoya Zaidi
Just like you to chose the most tender of lines!
I dedicate these lines to you
(((Hugs my dearest friend)))
Love, Zoya

Zoya Zaidi
Yeah, dear Kathy, i
It is specially for you and Mike too,
My two best friends and oh so in love!
Love is beautiful!!! Isn't it?
And who does not love someone in love?
Love, Zoya
2007-05-11 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
lovely lines in this... particularly liked: "Two palms whispered joining their heads, In anticipation of summer ahead" - spring is the season of love for sure... it's everywhere... beautiful poem :) *hugs* xx

Kathy Lockhart
this is so sweet and such a perfect poem about romance that always finds a way. Near or far love is love is love is love. : ) xx

Yes, love is in the air... it's spring and everything is being brought back to life. :)
Wonderfully written here, made me smile. :)

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Lots of love here I feel -
You say it so well dear Zoya :)

Elle xxx

Very Nicely written as always

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Indeed Zoya a lovely poem and such accuracy lololo wow who would have thuoght it
well done hugs Michael

Zoya Zaidi
Of course dear Thomas, you and Lizzy are both my dear friends and this IS for both of you!
And I wish you both all the best!
Love, Zoya

Rob Graber
Cute write, Zoya...

It looks like a chain of transient longings transfigures in perpetual reality. In short term yes but in the long run everything is false. However, we need all this to overcome the terror of existence, Zoya.