To my Mom...


How do I tell you, mother mine?
How do I tell you, you are kind
How do I tell you, you are tender
How do I tell you, you're loving
How do I tell you, you're divine

How do I tell you, you are kind?
Because you kept me in your womb
Because you fed me your life-blood
Because you helped me grow up
One like you I can never find...

How do I tell you, you are tender?
Because you kept awake in the night
Because you sang me Lullabies
In my sorrow, you'd a tear in your eye
Of my wounds you're always a mender...

How do I tell you, you are loving?
Because you held my tiny hand
Because you picked me up when I fell
Because you laughed when I was happy
In my pain you were by my side...

How do I tell you, you are divine?
Because you always understand
Because you never judge my sin
Because you are mother mine-
Kind, gentle, divine...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
13th May, 2006
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 960 times
Written on 2007-05-15 at 21:24

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Winston Latanafrancia Soldevilla
Simplicity is beauty! Well done my friend.
Thanks for writing this poem. It will always remind us of how wonderful our mothers were and are.It will always remind us how our mothers served us guiding light of our homes.

M Heathcote
You share your heart
You share your soul
Your thoughts so openly
So beautifully
Without frivolity
Without any trepidation
You show to us
((You are divine
In the ways that you shine!)) :)

Zoya Zaidi
Thanks Friends, My mom is a poetess, arguably the most accoplished living Urdu poet of the Indian subcontinent; a professor of education; and a mother of four- a super Mom of sorts- we all love an respect her a lot...
(((Hugs to all)))
Love, Zoya

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Such beautiful love comes across in this poem for your Mother -
A wonderful tribute to her, and the pure expression of love for someone so special.

Elle x

This must be the most wonderful tribute-poem I've ever read!
I'm stunned and sitting here with a big smile on my face.
Sadly, I didn't have that kind of a supportive mom in my life, had to take care of my self growing up, but it always makes me happy to read something like this. Gives me some idea on what it would've been like to have a mom like that.

Very nice and beautiful writing here.

Kathy Lockhart
Zoya this is lovely and very fitting for your beautiful mother coming from her beautiful and loving daughter. : )

a beautiful and loving poem for your mother Zoya.

hugs & love

Phyllis J. Rhodes
How I love this. I'm sure your sweet mother loved it also. It has a wonderful story and reads easily, showing with its flow how you and your mother are in harmony.

Zoya, this is wonderful. Respect for our parents is so sadly lacking in much of the Western world...
Your mum looks so lovely, we can see clearly from where you get your good looks.
luv, normalil.