I Wish I Was Like The Rising Sun

Every morning the sun rises,
Shining with all its radiant might,
To reach into the darkest depths with its shining light,

And every dusk to come,
it settles with a loving glow,
so warm and tender
so sleek and slender,
that when it reaches your eyes,

it grabs your soul and holds you close,
until it has said its final goodbye,
until its shining ascension to come in the morrow.

I wish I could be like the sun in that way,

That every day I wake up,
I will shine with a radiant happiness,
a bright light to grab people in their darkest days,
give them hope and joy,
to be a "sun for a day" in their life,

And every day I settle behind the far mountains,
So at peace and pleased with my day,
that I glow with warmth and joy in my heart,
and saying good night and good bye
but also the feeling that I have done my part

To cast light in the darkest of places,
aided them whom needed some warmth.
That I was able to Rise Like The Sun

Poetry by Christoffer Waye
Read 863 times
Written on 2007-05-17 at 13:17

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