The never - ending story

When much is a word in a small world
and life seems too much,
-  burned out

So I burn out on the highway
and take a trip to the New Island
healing my wounds
with the sound of the beginning
"in the beginning there was the word"

and I fade back in the shape of a dove
carrying my soul out of the fish bowl

- So where did you go today?

Where you did you go
in the land of your mind?

Did you take control?

- Were you
solving your problems,
what did you do?

When the ground was open
and you fell deep in your mind
you were searching

but you were too weak
but thee who seek
shall find
and you will find!

The answer of who you are
 that is your "I am" as I am too

- You are the very special
creature of the beginning
and for sure the end

when all things start over
in the beginning
were you the end

The story of Eternity,
there is no

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1491 times
Written on 2007-05-19 at 01:05

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dott Print text Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
the inspiration feels very deep... your words hold much meaning and strength - that's what comes through for me...

- line 15, i think you mean were instead of where and line 30, i think you mean things instead of thing's... my only observations :)

beautiful expression holding the reader to attention, i enjoyed a great deal :f

*hugs* xx

Kathy Lockhart
this is circle Dan just like your picture. eternity is circular. all things start and end with a beginning. I see scripture interspersed throughout and the "I Am" in my view is God. This is a spiritual testament well displayed and presented Dan.