Today while I was reading a poem in a poetic soirée, the poem slowly began to shed its Urdu clothes and started appearing in apparels of English words; here is the result:

Your Touch

After a long time tonight
I felt your touch soft and fine
A shiver ran down my spine
Lightening flickered, struck by being
Spread fervently through my veins
Scorching and melting me again

I was engulfed in the flames of desire
And the molten fire of passion
Began to ooze from every pore
Drip by drip gaining momentum

A storm broke up into my soul
Drowning and drowning away I went
Down the ocean of your depth
Till I reached the core of you
Breaking my fall; resurrecting anew

When, I resurfaced I was pure
Pristine like the waters of Nile
Waves of which come back to caress
Tenderly kiss the beloved shore

Calm after passing of the Storm...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Image: Indian Miniature painting 'Randezvous on the Terrace'

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1722 times
Written on 2007-05-23 at 20:16

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your poem is synonym to beauty and perfection, sweet sis'! and it is bookmarked for these and many more reasons!!!
Lilly xxx

I like your half rhymes and the melodic language! A poem that gains even more dimensions and depth when read out aloud. I whish that I could here your voice reading it.

This one left me breathless in reflective thoughts.loved it soooo

Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
This is the most extraordinary poem, Zoya, and for me is full not just of superb visual imagery and sensuality, but also sound. It works so well in the English it would be marvellous to hear it flow in the original like the Nile.

I like.. a lot! :-)

Amanda K
wow marvellous work!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Yeah... that's a perfect description of falling in love.
Beautiful and thank you so much for sharing.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a beautiful poem zoya which exemplifies you prodigious skill
rgds mike

Wonderful my friend.. Your poems ooze of perfection. I gotta read it again:P Thank you for sharing this one:)