I saw the original statue at the Galleria dell' Accademia, yet, a copy of David, silhouetted against the golden sky, looming large on a hill at Michelangelo Square, was truly awesome...

David at Michelangelo Square

He stands tall.
Black granite
Silhouetted against the crimson sky
Proud and blithe,
A faraway look in his eyes
Dishevelled golden locks
One leg tense, alert,
Right hand hangs at his side
The other, relaxed,
Bent to hold a slingshot,
Casually slung over his shoulder,
Dynamic, active, ready for fight,
Every ripple of his muscles
Tugging deep, at the root of my vitals...

So much grace,
Such unabashed
Show of strength,
Courage, vitality,
Virility, sensuality,
Beauty in full splendor
Towering over me.
I look up
In awe
I Long, Crave...Pulverize

He is not real.
He is not there.
A mortal
Puny woman,
All of twenty-one
Helplessly stare and

The sun sets behind the hill,
The valley lights up
With thousands of lights blinking in its belly,
Clouds play hide-and-seek with the Sun...
I lie down on the cool, velvet grass
I Succumb,
Slain, a Goliath, at his feet.
I Envy Bathsheba
Three thousand years too late...

Day and Night, Down and Dusk
A look-over his feat in mock glee.
Heaven's twinkle stars above...
Florence is witness to my first unrequited love...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1791 times
Written on 2005-11-21 at 05:02

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i like it. the words express so much! i've never really noticed David much. All I really knew is that people got upset because he was in his nuddy-pants (i.e. no pants)
thanx for the education! in a way i can understand too, not like a boring history class :))

Beautiful portray!

And the sentence

"Clouds play hide-and-seek with the Sun"

echoes in my mind.


An Incredible text. Seriously, I just loved it, I want to explain, but I can't find the words right now;P Just keep writing Zoya!!!

Wow--I feel the same as Alexander--my head fuzzy, my head spinning, what an effect your poems have on me. So vivid and wonderful, I would love to see some of the sights you have surely seen!

Hugs to you, M'dear!

Hi Zoya.. WOW! My mind got so set back I had to take a coupke of minutes to relax. It grabbed me like a storm. I can't explain the feeling I got when I read this. Thank you:)


From your friend Alex

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hi there zoya

your poem is so beautifull crafted and full of fire from the heart well done
regards mike

In complete awe of this work. You sculpt a poem of utter marble and make it come alive. Never have I thought of art in the way you describe and I count myself a lover of art. I am at a loss of words.
Zoya, simply exquisite my dear friend.


you are a fantastic storyteller,,you painted a picture that any painter would love,,,hugs you me.....

the David is a sculpture of great impact. So is your text!

Black Knight
If I am not mistaken, this feeling is called "catharsis". Like one of my favourite bands :)
Very colourful description. However, as always. Very good.

Your poem really reminded me of my trip to Italy this summer.Your version reminded me how romantic Italy really is.Beautifully described

John Ashleigh
Hmm - a foreign topic for me. I can't place my self so - but I can feel the seeping stir of constant emotions travelling through your blood to your eyes, ears and nose.

I am really greatful for this poem - it expressed timidly yourself...Great!!

Excellent imagery zoya you have pictured him in all his glory and what a setting you make sound breath taking, just beautiful :-)