Striving after I am. . .

- The importance of all things,
  where did it go?

- Whom were we and how did I got lost?

In it, that we call I am
after the truths' origins
we fall heavy to the ground, there in the land
were we found heavens origins

- who is we then? Coming from earth
  and once more there. . .

The walk between knowledge and oblivion
conquers what we once more own a piece
of the land that gave birth to us
and the I am is placed in a bin in everything that . . .
we dream about and want to realize

- we create a piece of the I am and live after it
or do we still pursue what we were . . .
striving after a piece of eternity!




Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 844 times
Written on 2007-05-27 at 20:54

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Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5