A rare Stevie Wonder hit with added words for the choices we make.

Keep Our Love Alive

Feeble is the mind that says that they don't care,
Selfish is the heart that won't give their share,
Poor them, Poor we,
Wasted is the mind that won't take a stand,
Lieth the tongue that says they can't when they can,
Poor him, Poor she,

For as long as we live,
And are blessed with air on earth to breathe,
We all should live to keep our love alive,

More than blinds the soul that sees but won't show,
Lost the leader with the way but won't go,
For you, For me,
Worthless is the one with will but won't try,
Grounded are we all if we don't think high,
Of you, you of me,

For as long as we live,
And are blessed with air on earth to breathe,
We all should live to keep our love alive,
Let's keep our love alive,

For as long as I live,
And are blessed with air on earth to breathe,
I know I'll live to keep our love alive,

Father and Mother,
We are united,
Whether we know it or not,
Brother and Sister,
We all pray the same,
Whether we see it or not,

In the day and in the night,
We choose sides,
Some good and some bad,
We make ourselves divided by being blind to the obvious,
Know deep inside we are living a lie,
And with this we choose 6 million ways to pray,
And 6 million ways to destroy each other,

We see the words become real,
We see The sides being made,
And everyone bleeds one way or the other,
And yet we will not see through our defenses,
Yes, we must defend,
But yes, we must understand why,

A vengeance is an appetite that seldom gets full,
And the greatest warrior will soon look for an explanation,
And thus, the circle of retribution continues,

Out of love comes our hate,
And from this comes our greatest struggle,
A connection between each other and ourselves,
Can we co-exist?,
We already know that we can destroy,
It is sad that the most intelligent species,
Is also the most dangerous species,
In order to co-exist,
We must,

Accept a guilt and truth you know too well,
Trust someone you just met,
And love and pray with others you call "the enemy",
It is time,

We are united, always,
Will be in victory?,
Or will it be in defeat?,

Just remember what he ask in all of us,
That we must and always,
Give each other love,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 910 times
Written on 2007-06-18 at 05:16

Tags Love 

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Way, Stevie Wonder FTW!
I really like the opening, that's really affective.
It is really woth keeping our love alive, perhaps just as important as keeping ourselfs alive.
Great one.