Twilight is probably the most mysterious time of the day- it always stirs my soul, makes me melancholy, lonesome and contemplative... Thanks Cool for pulling me out of hibernation!

Twilight Blues- for Coolaaron's challenge!

That time of the day when two ends meet,
When the sun says good-bye to the sky,
When the night slowly creeps in,
The day quietly merges in to the night,
That is the time I miss you most,
That is the time, hope seems to die...

When the horizon has had its bloody bath,
When the crimson has turned to violet,
When the gray hues are giving-in to black,
A kind o' melancholy creeps in my heart,
The lonesome twilight fills my soul
With a kind of 'Black Hole',
Into which gets sucked my heart...

Twilight has many hues:
Gold enthralls me, red elates me,
Crimson excites my passion, but
When the violet starts to spread its gloom,
The blue-gray soon takes over my mood
And I find myself pining for you, my love...

In that obscure time of the day
When twilight holds sway
My soul is stirred, my heart is down
The poet in me takes over my soul
I am with you, with myself, and the whole universe...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Pic. ' Sunset in Madurai' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1081 times
Written on 2007-06-21 at 04:52

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Beautiful poem.

A beautiful interpretation, in every hue of blue!

Kathy Lockhart
another beautiful creation of picture and poetry. I am glad you are out of hibernation. Your pen is missed when you are gone. : )

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This is so beautiful Zoya - and I could visualise and feel all the colours and the moods that overtake. A stunning poem and a bookmark

Elle x

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a wonderful poem again Zoya so glad to se you here again this is a beautiful entry to his challenge rgds mike