We used to spend our Summer Holidays sometimes on my grand Father's Estate. He lived in a big mansion surrounded by Acers of Mango Orchards. I have never seen so many fireflies in my life, as I did on that surrealistic night:

Illusions, Reality, Fantasy and Dreams...

Somewhere far away in the labyrinth of Time
In the maze of memories in mind
There is a scene etched in time-
Engraved clearly like a fairy tale,
Oft-repeated to become slowly over time,
A dream perched precariously
On the brink of your own reality:

There is a garden full of Jasmine bushes
Trees laden with fruits of Lemon and Lime,
Oranges and Mangoes in bloom coming alive,
Intoxicating aroma of Queen- of- the- night...

I come out to take a peek
At the full Moon on its peak
And suddenly I see the sky
full of stars has descended down
right into our garden- Paradise!
To create an illusion of firmament
Full of twinkling stars on the Earth
To my innocent gullible mind...

Only to realize, it is a swarm of Fireflies-
Such is the abundance of their flight-
Glowing like stars in the night sky...

And I get a feeling of riding high
Floating in the celestial sky
Of my own fantasy – dreams
In the garden of delight
Of my childhood Paradise...

Perched between the thrill of
Illusion, fantasy, reality and dreams...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright © Zoya Zaidi

The scene is etched like a dream in my memory- a mid-summer-night's- dream...

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1478 times
Written on 2007-07-03 at 19:27

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Zoya Zaidi
Dear Emma, I just re-read this lovely comment from you after a long time and am really humbled; coming from such a competent and sensitive write- one of my favourites- is a huge compliment, which delights me no end...

I feel totally embraced in your delicate writing.

A paradise for the soul and senses.

Thanks Zoya....

Take care dear

Zoya, this is exquisite! I can actually smell the flowers and see the fireflies here! There is poignancy of lost childhood memories which still walk with you ..and keep you hanging somewhere in-between dream and fantasy.

emily chambers
bravo, zoya!
This is so beautiful I can even picture ur memory
cheers ;)

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
zoya this poem is both wonder ful nd clever all roled into on its sheer rythm makes for a classic and i bookmark it rgds mike

Rob Graber
A very enjoyable vision!

As children we tend to look at things differently from that as an adult and create these beautiful mind images, but you my dear Zoya in words re-create those images for us once more to savour at our leisure.

Kathy Lockhart
Just beautiful! Your words are your paint and your fingers the brush all coming from your artistic mind creating visuals through words paintings that reach out and take hold of the reader and pull them in to the heart of your soul. xx

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
You are one of the most eloquent and sophisticated writers that I have ever read - as always Zoya you touch me with your imagery and words

Emma x