If you just sit on the bank of a river, and watch it flow by, it has a calming effect on you...

Calm the River flows...

The river flows
Calm and cool
Gurgling soft music
Its waves produce
Happily down the valley
Singing a song in tune to tally

Weeping Willows on the bank
Stoop to watch their faces reflect
Into the clear water that flows
Rays of the rising sun golden glow
On the waters is perched a flock of Pink Flamingoes...

The Comarant cries, the Ibis flies,
Away to the far off lands
Spoon-billed stork wriggles its beak
Into the water to catch a fish...

I sit on the bank under the tree
Calm descends on my troubled soul
Birds chirruping overhead find
Me in a blissful state of mind...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: Cheonjiyeon Waterfall, Jeju Island, South Korea; pic by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1214 times
Written on 2007-07-07 at 05:44

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thank you zoya for comforting my troubled heart.
lots of love

again , my Zoya , you took me to the most wonderful place
with a brush of your worded wings .
I am so grateful .
Thank you for giving me a river .

I think sitting on a river bank is one of the most calming experiences I have ever found , beautifully written as always Zoya.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Wow and wow. As a man who in the words of Norman Mclean who wrote 'A river runs through it'

I am haunted by waters and this poem fits right there in that nostalgic mood and as an angler

Just down there were the current sets hard along the far bank i see the mighty Mahseer lurks awaiting my fly

well done Doctor this is the medicine i needed hey take care its a beautiful poem Zoya rgds mike

Dan Cederholm

Oh what a imagenary wonderful
and touching poem I just loved
to read it and all those amazing
birds . . . WooW!!!



Rielle Vobi
I enjoyed very much your imagery. What a lovely poem, Zoya. Thank you.


Kathy Lockhart
aaaaah Zoya, you rocked me to sleep in a hammock along side that peaceful river. You painted such lovely pictures with your words. I am content and feeling oh so serene. : )