(a/n: before you read this, you should know i generally consider myself a child, no matter my level of maturity. i like considering myself a child, it allows me greater freedom in what i do, whatever that may be.)


i've had some time,
i must say,
that most of the world
has wrongfully strayed
from the path,
the road,
the proverbial line
upon which most children
endlessly whine.

the few that don't speak,
and bask in the silence
stay on the road,
this rocky road,
which is nothing like ice cream,
let alone a home.

'they' say it's always the quiet ones,
well partly are 'they' right;
it's always the quiet ones
who struggle in their fight.
what 'they' don't realise,
before they convey,

Poetry by Tristan L.
Read 402 times
Written on 2007-07-08 at 18:37

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