Dedicated to the ones who feel they have lost everything.

No words to recover

Some things are better left unsaid,
The anguish of realizing how small you really are,
When all is taken away,
How do you rebuild?,
How do you recover?,
It is the test that even the strongest of faith, fall,
But it is faith that keeps us sane,
Faith that rallys friends and family together,
To heal what one feels is lost forever,
This is the true meaning of care,

Some hearts are better left unbroken,
As a foundation falls,
So does a heart break, in pieces,
Left to ones to mend, slowly but surely,
Through love, through anger,
There is always a way to do what needs to be done,
Memories kindled and then taken away,
Are hard to retrieve and forget,
As you replaced and even sleep, you remember,
And it always starts with "once upon a time",
But that is the essence of it, truly,
"You can't take it when you go",
But as one heart passes it on to another mind,
That memories, as others travels its way to the heart, because,
Memories are pieces diguised as events, pictures, jewelry and materials,
That might not be replaced whole again, but,
They are and always will be instruments of love,
And that is one of the many true meanings of love,

Some lives are better left untouched,
Someday I will see you face,
And I will shed a tear of what was,
And one day, smile at what could be,
But until those days come, we must heal,
Don't make excuses for words that can't be said right now,
But let them know that you feel that the time is just not right,
A distance is a painful thing to the ones you love and care for,
But sometimes is justified by situations that is led you to the conclusion,
You are there and you always will be,
Never let them forget this,
Through this breathes the essence of forgiveness,

I see people lose everything, but their lives,
We tend to forget that if the foundation still exist,
Then we can always rebuild, no matter what the situation is,
Love gradually rebuilds, Hatred slows it down,
Protect yourself from evident danger through common sense,
It won't solve everything, but it will bring back a peace of mind,
It is faith, family, friends and love that will take care of the rest,
Through this, I hope you know and understand,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 743 times
Written on 2007-07-11 at 18:06

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I would say you put down just that... this is what it is .. as long as we have our lives we have hope and then we can rebuild ... and knowing family friends and love .. or maybe just one of those -- will be what makes us succeed

thank you for reminding

best wishes