What the broken hearted seek to realize!!


The greatest words to say,
Are usually the words we always choke on,
But hope the message comes through,
We are always looking for love,
But do we ask ourselves,
What do we seek in love?,
The visualization presented to us everyday,
Or the cognitive reality that we cease to face,

Risk, fear to win or lose,
Is the hardest thing to do,
When three words are spoken,
So innocently and so wanting,
We push "easy" knowing that it is "hard",
What it is easy is love everyone you meet,
That brings dignity and respect,
What is hard is to find that someone who knows you,
Who gives and makes you want to be better,
And with this you must also offer the same,
This is where "risk" is the hardest thing to decide,

Anyone can advise, but no one can predict,
But you must first, love yourself,
Respect yourself,
Before you intend to share this with anyone else,
You will rise and you will fall,
But love, no matter how you feel it betrays,
Will always help you stand,

We make our own reality,
And from this, we made the search that more complex,
To the point of that we would accept anything close to it,
And we try so hard to make the twisted straight,
There is no shortcut to love,
To heed others' warning is fine,
But experience will be received whether you like it or not,
And as you make your own reality,
So as you do with your ability to learn,

A heart, broken, chose not to live on,
But it must because it forget that it heals in time,
Because love creates it, and makes it grow,
And with that energy, it surrounds and binds us,
Bringing along the ones needed until that time comes,
To start over, to walk again,
Amongst the visualization,
Amongst the cognitive reality,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 754 times
Written on 2007-07-16 at 05:36

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Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
So much truth in these words. So very well expressed too! The following lines really resonate.

"What is hard is to find that someone who knows you,
Who gives and makes you want to be better,
And with this you must also offer the same,
This is where "risk" is the hardest thing to decide,"

Really enjoyed the read. Thanks.