Happy birthday, God!

the world you create
is the game you play
the pain we go through
is the show you like

I know you have fun
to watch for free and do not pay
everything is free for you
it is just us who have to pay to being alive

I wish I could be a god
at least just once
then I would show you
that you could create a better world
than what you did

maybe you don't like me
because of what I say
but the true is
that I don't like you eigther

so lets say
we are even

in my world if I wanna reach what I want or what I need
I have to do a lot of homework
I have to go through a lot of pain
sometimes I'm wondering if you ever did any homeworks!?

happy birthday, my dear god

the world I know
is the game you play

the tears I let fall
is the show you don't want miss

everytime the pains is knocking on my door
is the biggest fun for you

if there is a doomsday
I want you be the first in the line!

Poetry by Miro
Read 1099 times
Written on 2007-07-26 at 22:28

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Sorry Forgot to Say I really enjoyed this piece


This piece holds a strong message!!!!!

It's one helluva world out there STAY STRONG!!!!