Don't Go

For me? You're soul in body
You're the sun that gives warm
Alone, I'm sure nobody
For me, you're eye and Arm

Darling, you're my real lover
I owe you my heart and soul
No way, alone, I do suffer
I'm empty, no life at all

For me? You're core of life
For you, I'm living too
Alone we couldn't survive
How (.....), I'll let you go

Poetry by Farag M. Afify
Read 1001 times
Written on 2007-08-09 at 08:32

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Edgar John Jackson
When we love someone they become our life.... it is so important when we find this love 'cuz not all the people find it around.. Thanks 4 sharing. Great!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

so heart felt yet sad for the love you want to save and keep your words are away to say all that you feel from within your heart I am really enjoying your skills here welcome to the bay my friend hope you write more wishes for you and the love of your life to over come your chalenges together and stay together